Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Minor project: Developing Faces

It was time to work on the characters faces, keeping an eye on the influences (African masks, cubism), I am trying to incorporate the style into the features while keeping a realistic look to them.
Below is an updated influence map showing the style I am going for, specifically for faces.

These are still rough and need cleaning up and further development:


For the next post I will post sketches of different features which will be taken into Photoshop where I will doing different combinations to come up with satisfying designs.

Friday, 14 November 2014

Lifedrawing 12/11/2014

Minor Project: Environment development

This is a development of the environment, to show the overall style and mood, I have also incorporated two of my characters ( storyteller and beggar) to see how they work in the environment.
At the moment the environment still needs work on the minimalism style.

These are the two main visual influences for my environment:


Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Minor Project: Environment Concepts

These are some quick watercolour thumbnails, ranging from abstract extreme close ups to establishing shots.
These will be further developed in Photoshop, making the brushwork suggestive and minimalist ready to be used in the animatic.

Minor project: Photographs

My friend Youness Mohtadi, an ex-classmate and also a very talented Graphic designer has kindly agreed to take reference pictures for my project, back in Marrakech.
Check out his blog here.
These have helped me a lot in terms of character and environment design as well as using them to put an animatic together.